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Our mission
We aim to change humanity’s consumption habits by building a sharing economy among individuals that also grows retail businesses.
Launched in Seattle in 2020, we are a rental marketplace to lend and rent outdoor gear... and more.
Our society must consume more sustainably for humanity to continue thriving on this planet. Many things today are bought, used a few times and then put into storage on the shelf or simply thrown away. This current model of consumption must be changed to allow for more reuse of the goods that are produced by society. Everyone can and should have access to these unused resources.
Every item shared among community members represents a potential lost sale to retailers. In this way, the sharing economy could be viewed as a competitor to business.
We aim to change that.
Our values
Retail is not the enemy and retail sales will not disappear. They are essential to our daily lives and the economy. But, a sustainable society must purchase fewer new goods and reuse goods more.
How can this be done without impacting retailer earnings?
GeerGarage aims meld the two – to increase sharing within the community in a way that also increases profits for retail businesses.
Getting businesses to embrace the sharing economy is a triple win: a win for consumers, a win for businesses, and a win for the planet.
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